Friday, June 1, 2007


As you asked us during our chat on 5-23-07, what is your meaning of Ramance? I replied, relationships. Thinking in todays views, it can apply, however in the readings the term is not used in that way. After a little research, I find that romanticism is an artistic and intellectual movement originating in Europe in the late 18th century and characterized by a heightenend interest in nature, emphasis on the individual's expression of emotion and imagination, departure from the attitudes and forms of classicism, and rebellion, and rebellion against establised social rules and conventions.
Now I understand the authors views in there writings by knowing what is meant by the romantic era. I was not understanding what I was reading at first, but it is now clear.

1 comment:

Jonathan.Glance said...


I am glad to see you posting about the course material now. In subsequent postings, though, I would like to see you quote and discuss specific passages from the readings. The more specific you are in your blog, the more insightful you can be.