Friday, June 1, 2007

Percy Shelley

By reading the brief information about this author, it became apparent to me that he was a modern day "player" and worse a child molester. In today's society, being involved with a minor is criminal offense and he would be charged with statutory rape. He broke his vows to his wife and as the book said "appallingly selfish."
I was not able to get into his work, like I have with the other authors.

1 comment:

Jonathan.Glance said...


It is OK to start your posting with a strong emotional response to an author, but you ought to develop it and follow up your thoughts with quotations from and analysis of the text. It is not very clear what you are talking about here, with Shelley, and specific examples would help. Also, your posting seems quite short, compared to those of other students; please go further in your blog.